Platform on Facebook for healthy lifestyle launched

The Public Health and Sports Department of the public entity Saba recently launched the Healthy Lifestyle Saba Facebook platform.

Healthy Lifestyle Saba is an official informative and educational Facebook page that the entire Saba community can use as a re­liable and integral source of information on living a healthy lifestyle.

The idea is that an edu­cated and informed com­munity will be better equipped to make health­ier lifestyle choices.

One of the popular healthy lifestyle activities on Saba is the Fit with Lee training.

Commissioner of Pub­lic Health Rolando Wil­son said he was content with the launching of this Facebook platform. “It is very important to have a healthy lifestyle, and this platform will help to mo­tivate and inspire people to make daily, small and achievable changes that will positively influence their life long-term,” said Wilson, who thanked ju­nior health promoter Allan Carolina for this initiative. The goal of this platform is to inform and educate the community on impor­tant pillars of a healthy life and how they can incorpo­rate simple, but effective lifestyle habits to improve their overall health and wellness.

Posts that will be cov­ered on the Facebook page will include healthy nutrition, effective exer­cise, countering substance abuse, improving sexual health, general healthy lifestyle tips and official health promotion projects of Saba’s Public Health Department, such as the Saba Health Ambassadors programme. The platform will have daily posts seven days a week in the morning hours.

The information for these posts will come from of­ficial and international health organisations such as World Health Organiza­tion (WHO), Pan Ameri­can Health Organization (PAHO), the European Register for Exercise Pro­fessionals and other ac­credited organisations for health and wellness.

The Daily Herald.

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