Interactive map of Saba’s hiking trails

Saba’s nature: take a look at its hiking trails

Saba’s hiking Trails offer a nice view of Saba’s flora and unique beauty. Some pass old ruins, some delve into caves, some go around the uninhabited side of the island, some go through the rainforest, and all offer something different. Most trails are very well-marked and in good condition.


The green lines connect the points of the same elevation. You may use this information to estimate the amount that you have to climb or descend on the trail.

Be sure to visit the Trail Shop close to the entry point of the Mnt. Scenery trail in Windwardside.

The Saba Trail Shop asks a US$3 donation for the trail upkeep, and guests receive a trail badge. Trail maps and various gifts, books, and souvenirs can be purchased at the Trail Shop.

Click here to download a printable version of the map (340 kB)

There is also a rather old topgraphic map of Saba that you could consult for detailed planning of your hiking trips. Click here to download the topographic map (10MB). The roads and buildings have been extended, but the hills remain the same. Enjoy.





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